Blind Faith Medicine? Fake News?
Pharmacy Driven Health Care, over prescribed medications and prescription drugs, side effects, unnecessary procedures? Does any of this concern you?
Have you ever laughed at the long list of possible side effects rambled off, during a commercial, advertising the latest fantastic drug that is guaranteed to cure a particular health issue? Often the announcer is talking quite fast in order to fit in all the disclaimers necessary to avoid law suits that may result if a warning wasn’t provided.
What is in our medications? What are the side effects which will cause additional symptoms and require more medications. What surgeries are required and what surgeries are absolutely unnecessary? What options do we have to take control of our health and our well being? Are vitamins effective? What is the best form of exercise? Does your doctor have your best interests in mind, or are there incentives to prescribe a particular medication or procedure.
Past generations were brought up to believe that the doctor’s word was the gospel and few questioned the prescribed route of treatment. Now a days, we have information at our finger tips. The use of the internet and our trusted google search options provide us with greater knowledge. Greater knowledge and education leads to better decisions and choices which leads to a healthier life moving forward.
I am a BIG believer in doing research and questioning, … or should I say, authenticating claims made. I take my health and well being seriously and I like to set goals and am constantly seeking out information that will serve me well and move me forward in all areas of my life.
One issue that continues to astound me is how people blindly accept medications, prescription drugs and medical procedures with out questioning the information and suggested outcomes. An article called ” When evidence says no, but Doctors say yes” talks about several medical situations were the intervention offered had no positive benefit. Here is an excerpt from the article;
” The executive had been very smart to seek more information, and now, by coming to Brown, he was very lucky, too. Brown is part of the RightCare Alliance, a collaboration between health-care professionals and community groups that seeks to counter a trend: increasing medical costs without increasing patient benefits. As Brown put it, RightCare is “bringing medicine back into balance, where everybody gets the treatment they need, and nobody gets the treatment they don’t need.” And the stent procedure was a classic example of the latter. In 2012, Brown had coauthored a paper that examined every randomized clinical trial that compared stent implantation with more conservative forms of treatment, and he found that stents for stable patients prevent zero heart attacks and extend the lives of patients a grand total of not at all. In general, Brown says, “nobody that’s not having a heart attack needs a stent.” (Brown added that stents may improve chest pain in some patients, albeit fleetingly.) Nonetheless, hundreds of thousands of stable patients receive stents annually, and one in 50 will suffer a serious complication or die as a result of the implantation procedure.”
This article deals largely with procedures to curtail heart attacks including prescription drugs and stents placed in healthy patients to prevent the possibility of heart attacks. There are several examples in this article of questionable procedures or drug therapies that may not be appropriate. You owe it to yourself to get educated.
Gastric by pass surgery is another surgery were the benefits of a reduced weight are emphasised with very little education on the negative repercussions that result including malnutrition due to the shortened intestinal track and the inability of the body to absorb enough nutrients to sustain it’s self. People are left to eat pureed food and seek additional supplementation in order to maintain a basic level of nutrition. Why not exhaust all avenues of education, exercise and supplementation prior to surgery to increase the chances of living a quality life. As it turns out, the same effort is required after surgery, as what ought to have occurred long before the point at which surgery was recommend. referenced in an article from Medline Plus.
“Gastric bypass surgery is not a quick fix for obesity. It will greatly change your lifestyle. After this surgery, you must eat healthy foods, control portion sizes of what you eat, and exercise. If you do not follow these measures, you may have complications from the surgery and poor weight loss.”
Hormonal replacement therapy is another example of medical intervention that is pushed extensively in spite of the increase risks of developing cancer and other side effects as a result of being on prescription drugs daily. Education along with the reduction of certain foods, including alcohol and life style changes to help reduce stress can significantly reduce symptoms of menopause. A diet, rich in soy, benefits an entire Japanese population with only 7% suffering from Hot Flashes, yet in North America, 55% of women suffer from Hot Flashes and are encouraged to take prescription drugs to deal with their menopausal symptoms. (Read my blog on reducing Hot Flashes).
The Pharmaceutical Industry is in the business of treating disease, rather than the business of prevention. Society as a whole, is now reaching a level, with reference to “Supper Bugs”, were we are no longer able to treat infections with antibiotics as a result of being over prescribed for decades. Antibiotics are now used in our food sources to grow food causing further overuse and eliminating their effectiveness.
The Medical Profession often encourages aggressive intervention, surgeries and procedures that end up causing further problems and complications. Doctors, in particular, surgeons, get paid for doing procedures, not for failing to do a procedure. How many stories are there of people in their final stages of life, under going medical treatments that further exasperate an already painful situation.
What can we do to change the direction of our own health care? How can we personally take care of our bodies?
How about preventing disease before is happens!
If we have a strong immune system, we are more likely to fend off infections and viruses. If we exercise regularly and engage in stress reducing activities, we are more likely to stay fit and able to deal with the required physical needs for daily tasks. If we eat properly and monitor the nutrients we are taking in, to sustain us, we will be in good standing to live a healthier life long into our golden years.
Your Health Starts with Nutrition!
If you would like to learn how to take charge of your own health and feel great, enjoy a leaner, fitter body and have more energy to get through the day, consider taking my health assessment and learning more about what areas of your health need more attention.
I might not have everything figured out, but I do have my nutritional needs figures out and I rely on a company that has been in business for over 50 years, with a 100% money back guarantee and consistent results that people can count on. People are able to maintain a healthy life for years and years, providing the foundation for a full rich life of good health and well being.
If you are interested in taking control of your health needs, fill out the Health Assessment above, or send me an email
You can also down load my free E-book, click here, on “What Your Doctor Wasn’t Taught in Med School”
I look forward to helping you get on track and live a fuller life!
Moving forward, loving life, building dreams!
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