Do you have Job Security? Do you work for SEARS?
Sears is closing, 12,000 jobs lost, whats worse? The loss of pensions, those who have put in 20 + years of employment no longer have a retirement to look forward to! No severance is being paid out, no lump sum payment, no pension, nothing! You are now at ground ZERO! How does that feel?
Ontario stands to lose 5,500 Sears jobs. Its not just the jobs, often the sears stores were the “anchor store” for the mall. In addition, many rural areas relied heavily on the mail order options, ordering from the Sears catalogue, allowing people in rural areas to purchase items of need or necessity for their family or business.
Unfortunately, we all know the outcome, Nortel was a typical example of what is going to proceed. Top executives will receive big payouts for doing a great job! There will be many court proceedings in which lawyers will make a ton of money litigating, and although lawyers will fight for the pensions to be secured, ultimately, the banks will get their money above everyone else and the the little guy, the employee who has dedicated his life to the company, worked for 20 + years, will lose everything he has worked for. There is NO HAPPY ENDING here!
All the more reason to consider setting up your own shop. The reality of life is …… as long as you are working for someone else, your future is in their hands.
The younger generation has so much more to consider! You have rising housing costs, often in urban setting that are expensive and unrealistic. Excessive student debt to contend with and limited full time job opportunities, given that employers are always looking to reduce full time positions in order to save on benefits and job security features, in favour of offering part-time positions that lack in pay and long term stability. In addition, part-time employees are expected to be available 24-7 making it very hard to find a complementary second part-time job to fill in the gaps.
So what is the answer? What do you need to do to secure your own future regardless of the economy around you. If good paying manufacturing jobs are going by the way side, one needs to look for areas and industries that are growing to get positive returns.
An article written by Nevena Dragicevic, July 29, 2014, The Mowat Centre, talked about the loss of 300,000 manufacturing jobs in Ontario due to automation and globalisation, jobs that would not be coming back to the province. This was in 2014, it is now 2017 and good paying jobs are even harder to find.
Consider starting your own online business! The time is right, the opportunity has never been better! The science is awesome. More and more people are realising that multiple steams of income are an important strategy for a solid financial base to draw on.
On line opportunities are a viable option, to start on a part-time basis and develop.
So, how do you find a good opportunity that will actually pay you a decent living?
FIRST, look for good products and a good opportunity. What ever the opportunity, there has to be a viable product that has the science behind it, the guarantees and preferably a money back return policy if you are not satisfied. Lets face it, there are many companies that lack integrity and look to sell a product to the masses as a one time purchase, knowing that the customer won’t be satisfied but once purchased, can’t get their money back. Even at a low cost of $29.99, if one mass markets a bogus product, one could make a tidy sum in a short time. These types of scams are plentiful.
There is the information scam where people sell material on “how to get rich”, often in the form of e-books or a series of courses that one pays for, to teach them how to run a business. It is then up to you to source out products, set up a web page, market your product … and then …as they say .. the money will roll in. You need a solid business opportunity with real products, real benefits and real returns from a company that has a long history of success and offers a full refund if you are not satisfied. By offering a full refund, the company is stating that they stand my their products, results and success.
Second, look for a business opportunity that has a system in place that you can duplicate. The problem with a lot of businesses is that it requires a certain personality type to get out there and make a pitch. There are many of us that are not “Type A” personalities and we don’t like selling, myself included. If I can see the benefits myself, and can see how this item could truly be beneficial then all I need is a system to present the opportunity to anyone looking for additional forms of income. If it is duplicate, then I am able to teach others how to do what I do.
Thirdly, you have to be in a Growth Industry! What are people looking for today! A lot of people are looking to get healthier and to create a more balanced life. The baby boom generation is looking to reduce their medical care and prevent the on coming stages of old age. Nutrition and quality supplements can make a difference in ones health as well as eating well balanced meals and getting physical exercise. The old adage …. If you don’t use it you will lose it! applies mentally, physically and spiritually.
Lastly, multiple streams of income is a very good defence for the unexpected situations that life throws at us. Right now, there are a whole lot of Sears employees who are looking for new jobs. There will be no pension available but the company will still ask that the employees stay to the bitter end, the last day. the company will imply and give hope that they will get something for their loyalty, …… they wont, but the employer needs people to run the stores right up till the end so that they can maximise their liquidation profits for the shareholders and executives. Many older employees with less options available will need additional training. Multiple streams of income is an important strategy to develop. Young people should start as soon as possible to develop several sources of income.
If you are looking to add additional sources of income to your financial base, take a look at this online opportunity, or check me out on facebook. Have a great day and keep moving forward!
Online Business Coach
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