Giddy Up! What Defines Your Motivation?
Giddy Up!
A term I use when faced with challenges, lets go …. lets make it so! …. always moving forward …..
What defines your motivation? Why do you get up in the morning and are you excited about each new day? I hope so!
I am excited to be here, entering the blogging world. Although I lack in technical savvy, I am passionate about moving forward and creating freedom!
I like to consider myself a “Freedom Coach”. I don’t have the “life coach certifications” yet, but what I do have is a lot of passion, excessive amounts of life experience, some of it pretty negative, and the strong desire to make a better life for myself, my children and people in general who need support and encouragement to move forward in life and get free from what ever is holding them back.
My family is very important to me. I am a mother of four boys, now young men. I am happily re-married and have a step-son as well. You will come to learn more of my personal life through my blogging and I trust that you will find me down to earth and dealing with the same struggles that many of us deal with in life.
The question of the day is: What defines your motivation?
What causes you to get up in the morning? Are you springing out of bed or merely rolling out. We all have 24 hours in a day. Are you making the best use of your time. Are you were you want to be in life? If you aren’t, are you investing in yourself? How can you get motivated to make changes and create a better life that you will love.
Jim Rohn states; ” Your income is primarily determined by your philosophy”.
“There are only about a half dozen things that make 80% of the difference in any area of our lives”
It is my belief that a lack of self-esteem can be the route of all evil. With out self-esteem and confidence in one’s self, one under performs, accepts less and loses out on opportunities that present themselves for fear of failure.
Les Brown states: “How people live their life is based on the story they believe of themselves.”
If my life was going to get better, I had to change my story, my belief in myself. In the struggles of my past life, I read a lot and encouraged my boys to read many positive books, books that would help us deal with the chaos around us, chaos that we were powerless to stop. One of the books was “The Slight Edge” by Jeff Olson. Much of what Jeff talks about is to take the small consistent actions each and every day and over time, these daily actions will translate into big results and a better lifestyle to enjoy.
Jeff Olson states; ” A positive philosophy turns into a positive attitude, which turns into positive actions, which turns into positive results, which turns into a positive lifestyle”
Jeff goes on to express that there are two prevalent types of attitudes; entitled and value-driven.
A value-driven attitude says, “what can I do to help you?”
An entitled attitude says, “What have you done for me lately?”
An entitled attitude says, “Pay me more, and then maybe I’ll work harder.”
A value-driven attitude says, “I’ll work harder, and then I expect you’ll pay me more.”
I see this truth every day in my day job. I head into work and put in a good day of hard work. I care about my job and the service I provide. I want to do a good job and hope that I have positively impacted the people around me, both co-workers and the people I serve in my job. It continues to amaze me daily, watching those with the “entitled” attitude, people who spend more effort trying to get out of doing the work at hand, then they would if they just gave it their all and got the job done. Those that do the minimal, just enough to get the job done and stay under the radar. This provides me with a great deal of motivation each and every day. Motivation to create a life that I can enjoy, a life where my results are dependant on my efforts and my rewards are generated by my actions. It is my belief that those who are truly successful have value-driven attitudes.
I do spring out of bed in the morning, excited about the possibilities and the future I can design. I first have to tend to my day job but after that, the time I have is spent working on building my online business, a business that will provide me with significant residual income for the quality of life I now believe is attainable and that I deserve. We all deserve a good life, but we have to believe in it and work towards it daily.
A big part of getting motivated is defining your “why”, getting crystal clear on the benefits that will result if one works hard at their business.
Jim Rohn’s Questions to Ponder;
1. Why? 2. Why not? 3. Why Not You? 4. Why Not now?
So why would one try, work hard, spend time learning, invest in one’s self. Why not? What else are you going to do in life, passively sit around?, wait for things to get better, complain that life isn’t fair. We know that life isn’t fair, that doesn’t change your circumstance or the outcome. Why not find out how far you can go, how high you can reach. Why not make the most of each day, make a positive contribution to society. Why not you? Make a difference, be a leader, lead by example, create a positive environment and make a positive impact, at least in the space around you. Why not now? There is no time like the present. If you are here on earth to live a life, live a good life, what is the point of being miserable, angry and frustrated. If it is to be, it is up to me! no excuses, no “buts”, “I’ll try” or maybe’s, turn your dreams into your reality. The slogan coined by NIKE, “Just do it” is really all we need. If you want a better life, you have to create it for yourself.
At some point, you have to make the decision that you are going to do the work, your going to get better, your going to take action. When you are sick and tired of being sick and tired you will make a change.
If you aren’t clear on what motivates you or your “why” is not crystal clear, then dig in and do some research, figure out what you like, what you get passionate about, what your interests are and if you can, intertwine your hobbies and or passions into a business that will give you the freedom to do more of what you want to do.
I am blessed to have found a business that I can build on line that truly helps people, financially, physically and emotionally. It allows me to support people who want to move forward in life, who don’t want to settle for less and want to take control and design their future. They want better health, a better career or financial freedom and a better lifestyle by design.
My challenge to you is to take one action today that will get you closer to the life you desire. Have a great week, keep moving forward and MAKE IT SO!
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