Happy to Be Moving Forward! Giddy Up!
BIRTHDAYS …. The one special day, the day we are born, the day we celebrate who we are as an individual. A day to reflect on the year that has past and the year that is ahead of us. So much to be grateful for, … so much to accomplish, …. so much to consider,… so little time.
I find birthdays to be a good time for reflection on the past year, my accomplishments and to dream about the future, my goals, my direction and my desires. How about you?
Do you enjoy birthdays? Some birthdays are bigger than others, and the expectations can be high. Some of us like to keep things quite, doing everything we can to avoid the attention. Some would prefer to forget the day while others like to celebrate in a big way. Surprise parties can be fun, especially if it truly is a a surprise. For the most part, birthdays are a time to pamper yourself, to appreciate all that one has and those who surround us and support us.
I enjoy celebrating on the quieter side of the spectrum, avoiding attention as best I can. I like to take time to reflect, having time for my thoughts, to sort out were I am at and were I want to go, is important to me. The daily rush of activities, work, kids, home life can pass quickly and before you know it spring turns to summer, summer turns to fall and another year has passed.
There is so much in life that is important, our health, our well being, our spiritual connection or if you prefer one’s connection to nature. What ever your thoughts, one thing that is important to me is peace of mind. The contentment one has when they are comfortable, satisfied, at ease. To know that each one of us came into this world for a reason, with a purpose and a uniqueness all our own, that no two people are alike is truly amazing, given the number of people in this world.
The day I gave birth to my first son, I was amazed at just how awesome the experience was. The actual delivery was awful, I had a terrible time, but once he arrived, and he was safe, it was so surreal, so amazing. You want the whole world to stop and say …hey look at this amazing baby! Everyone is happy for you, and closer family and friends all wait patiently for news ….. and when your little one arrives, and if you are blessed with everything going relatively smoothly, you have the joy of holding this new precious being in your arms, so tiny, so loved, what a blessing. All babies are amazing, every single one of them, big, small, healthy, sick, strong, or struggling, every living soul is special, and a gift from above to be cherished, nurtured and loved.
I have four beautiful boys and each delivery is etched in my mind, so clearly, I remember how the day unfolded, the time of birth, the relief that they were okay and the joy of introducing them to my family and friends. Times have changed from the year I was born, it was a much more sterile environment back then and dads were often left out in the waiting rooms. I share my day with my twin sister, and can’t really imagine how my mom gave birth to one, and had little time to catch her breath and start the process over again. As you settle into this new life with this new little being, one is struck with the whole process of life, conception and meaning. Some of us are here on this planet for a long time, some for a shorter time, a blessing to cherish.
There are a lot of birthdays in September, …which, counting back 9 months, reflects on the celebrations of bringing in the new year. So in essence, September babies are a result of the hopes and dreams and the celebration of the new year ahead!
A power outage, a winter storm, a significant event, the millennium or the desire to have a new years baby ….. often results in an over load in the maternity ward 9 months later. What is the significance of your birthday?
I am truly grateful for all that I have! I am grateful for my own children, my husband, my step-son and the life that surrounds me now. I feel very blessed to have all the love and support around me.
So here is to a big birthday, a happy birthday and a wonderful day to reflect, dream and enjoy!
Happy Birthday to any one who shares this day, and a special happy birthday to my twin, may you all be blessed and surrounded by love, friendship and pleasantries. Happy Birthday!
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