Lupus – Do You want to Feel Better?
Do you have Lupus? Do you worry about a family member who has Lupus? Would you like to reduce your symptoms? Would you like to learn how some have been successful at managing their symptoms and are living pain free and symptom free?
Any one who suffers from an autoimmune disease has a vested interest in learning about the condition and seeking options and answers on how best to move forward and take care of their condition. Anyone who has suffered for many years knows the trials and tribulations of trying various remedies and suggests, all with good intentions and the promise of hope and health.
Lupus is an autoimmune disease that affects more than 1.5 million Americans, according to the Lupus Foundation of America. Normally, the immune system protects the body against foreign invaders like viruses and bacteria. In the case of a disease like lupus, the immune system mistakenly attacks the body and damages healthy tissues and organs. Lupus can cause problems with the kidneys, nervous system, blood vessels, and skin. Cases of lupus can range from relatively mild to life threatening, so recognising and treating this condition early is very important. lists 7 symptoms and risk factors;
- Fatigue is common,
- Hair loss,
- Genetics play a role,
- Chemical exposure may be a trigger,
- Pain is a marker
- Lupus can cause seizures,
- There is often a telltale rash, butterfly rash on the face
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is the most common form of lupus. The four most common triggers that aggravate Lupus and cause flare ups are weather, stress, exhaustion and nutrition.
There are many obstacles to controlling Lupus. The effectiveness of various drugs coupled with the side effects that result is a problem. As well, the symptoms one has are constantly changing.
So, the question is: What is in your control to reduce and eliminate symptoms?
I think that the best advice comes from those who have Lupus or should I say, had Lupus and were able to eliminate their symptoms and live a healthy lifestyle. Would you agree?
I am in the business of nutrition. I help people figure out what it is they need to live a healthier life. If i don’t know the answer, I will get the answer for you. Recently I wrote a blog on Whats in our Food”. I outline the problems with our food sources, lack of nutritional value and the need for supplementation. When one has an autoimmune issue, one needs even more support for the body in order to counter balance the effects of the disease.
I have also written on issues with our medical profession and the pharmaceutical approach that doctors and our health care system promote. “Blind Faith Medicine” The medical profession treats disease, they do not prevent disease. Less than 40% of the Medical schools in the US received the minimum 25 hours or more of Nutritional training recommended by the NAS.
In addition, it is far more profitable for the pharmaceutical industry to have people put on lengthy prescription drug programs to “manage” their illness then to promote nutrition and supplementation that could reduce their symptoms and provide minimal side effects.
Do all vitamins work? No they do not. It depends on the quality and purity of the vitamin. Most over the counter vitamins are synthetic and have minimal benefits. Often the processing methods and lack of purity in the raw materials used contribute to the lack of value in a supplement.
I have enjoyed the benefits of an excellent supplementation company, Shaklee, and I know first hand, how important and how life saving good nutrition and good supplementation can be. The research and science behind Shaklee’s supplementation far exceeds the industry standards. Shaklee backs their products with a 100% money back guarantee. There is a very simple test one can do when looking at the quality of their vitamins, take a vitamin you have purchased and take a shaklee vitamin and put each vitamins in a glass of water. Watch how long it takes for each vitamin to break down. If a vitamin doesn’t break down shortly after it is consumed, there is little benefit being absorbed into the body. If it takes several hours, the vitamin is literally passing through the body with out being absorbed. There is also a heat test which shows the effects of heat on various vitamins as outlined in the diagram. Shaklee vitamins are considered “food”.
I am not an expert on Lupus, nor can I make claims that would suggest a full recovery from Lupus. What I can do is provide testimonials from people who have Lupus and have been able to manage their disease and have become symptom free. The following testimonials centred around the question of Alfalfa, (names are withheld for privacy);
“I have Lupus and use Alfalfa, Nutriferon and Vivix. It wasn’t until after I had been successfully using them that I read I should avoid them … I continue to use them because the results are incredible and I chalk it up to the Shaklee difference.”
” My mother has lupus and is taking the life strip (with vivix), got rid of her symptoms! She loves her strip”
“Alfalfa “SPROUTS” are a concern for lupus because in the sprout form, alfalfa is very stimulatory, and with lupus which is an autoimmune disease, you do not want to stimulate it. However, alfalfa tablets made from the leaf from a very mature plant (approx 5-7 years old), there is no stimulatory affect, just a wonderful smorgasbord of minerals. BUT the confusing thing for everyone is that label requirements for any form of alfalfa are the same. I used LOTS of alfalfa when I had lupus.”
Please note, all three testimonials make reference to getting rid of their symptoms.
I have a wonderful testimonial from one of my clients, a young woman of 21 who was facing the real possibility of never being able to have children as a result of her lupus. Her doctor was pushing her to start chemo treatments to deal with her lupus. I had no idea that her lupus was as bad as it was and was horrified at the thought that Chemo treatment was a viable option being considered. What would chemo therapy do to her chances of ever wanting to conceive a child. I encouraged/pushed for her to consider Shaklee supplementation and with in two months of following the recommendations of a leader with in the organisation, a person who herself, has made a full recovery from lupus, this young lady was able to conceive and if all goes well, a little one is due to arrive in July. If the use of Shaklee supplementation is continued, there is nothing stopping this young lady from having several healthy children, and having a full life, symptom free from Lupus, the choice is hers.
It is up to you to consider the possibilities. Would you consider trusting others who have gone before you with similar symptoms and flare ups and learn how they are managing their conditions and living symptom free from lupus.
I am all about “TAKING CONTROL” ….. empowering one’s self, about doing the work and figuring out what is best so that one can move forward and live a fantastic life. Trust in those that have the answers, those who have walked your path and have succeeded at eliminating their symptoms, they are your best source and option for success. Don’t listen to your fears, or information from people, even if well intended, including doctors, who really don’t know the answers, nor do they, themselves have the condition. Educate yourself from those who have lupus and have succeeded at eliminating it. You owe it to yourself to live the best life you can.
I would love to support you on your path to a healthy life. I would love to work with those who are sick and tired of living with their lupus flare ups and want to educate themselves and learn what options they have, those who will keep researching until they get it right and are feeling better. If others can rid themselves of the symptoms of lupus, you can too, the choice is up to you.
Send me an e-mail at if you would like more information.
Moving forward, loving life, how about you?
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