Online Business – Scam or Not?
How can you tell if the online opportunity is legitimate? Do you really believe the promises made? Can you really make money online?
When I began searching for an opportunity to earn money online I was looking for a legitimate business that I could get passionate about. I wanted to be able to work from home, on line, using the internet. I wanted to find something that I could build a substantial career around and I needed an opportunity to make significant income.
I am not here to pass judgement on other opportunities, but rather provide some questions for you to ask yourself so that you can find the right opportunity that fits into your life, something that you could get excited about, an opportunity that will provide you with what you are looking for.
I have listed 7 key aspects to consider;
1) Look for a good product or service. There has to be value. Your reputation and the success of your business depends on the value of the product or service you are offering. Integrity is very important in building a solid business. Are the products guaranteed, can you get your money back if you are not satisfied. A good business stands behind their product or service.
2) Repeat sales. I looked at several opportunities that offered products that one might purchase such as jewellery for example, but realized that these purchases would be a one time purchase as opposed to opportunities that provide products and or services that are used month after month. Repeat sales provides a solid foundation to build on. You also want a business that does not require you to carry a large amount of inventory in order to meet the sales volume one generates. Many opportunities have what I refer to as “inventory dumping”, a requirement to buy a large volume of inventory just to get started, or a requirement to commit to a monthly purchase regardless of the need.
3) Financial requirements. Every successful business requires a financial investment, the question is, how much and can you afford it. The benefit of an on line business is that you don’t need a store front and staff to run the shop, nor are you dealing with franchise fees, rental space and any other costs that go along with occupying a storefront location. The problem is, many people who are looking for an on line business fail to appreciate that one does need to make a financial commitment in order to grow a business. It helps if you know, like and use the products or service you are representing, and one needs a budget for marketing, and promoting your business. You need a secure high speed internet connection and various supplies to set up an office in your home.
4) Flexible Hours. The benefit of running a business out of your home is that you can design it around your families needs. You can start off part-time and build your business or jump in and work it on a full time basis, the choice is yours. One draw back that I found with many opportunities is that it required having home parties, were one is required to go into other peoples’ homes and host, often in the evening when one is needed at home. This did not appeal to me at all. I have always felt uncomfortable with the concept of asking friends and family to host a party which required them to phone all of their friends and hope that people showed up. This, to me, felt too much life begging and putting friends in an uncomfortable position. How about an opportunity that weeds out the “tire-kickers” before too much time is invested.
I can remember a long time ago, being invited to one such party, and was told it was a “bingo” party. I had no intention of buying anything but rather was attending just to be kind to my friend. At the door we were asked for $10.00 for a bingo card, in hopes of winning a prize. I felt it was quite cheesy. in essence, we were all donating money for our friends purchase of the product. I was not impressed.
5) A support system and process. To be successful in most businesses, one needs a support net work that one can draw on for advice, experience and knowledge. When one works for an employer, one is often trained in the position and can ask for help when help is needed. The same should apply in your own business. Are there people you can draw on for help, support and guidance. Is there a process or system to follow that is easy and straight forward?
6) Pressure to sign. A good business does not require a “Hard Sale”, nor pressure to sign by a certain time limit or you will no longer have access to the opportunity. A good business is here to stay, it has been successful and will continue to be. Be wary of any company that is pressuring you to sign up, as time is running out. These companies are often “fly-by-night” companies, they are often not sustainable and lack integrity. A good opportunity is a good opportunity today, tomorrow, a year ago and next month, transparency is key. The question should be; ” is this the right time for you to get involved with the opportunity?”
One great thing about the internet is that one can google for more information on any opportunity that is being promoted. Scams usually have a lot of negative publicity and most people do take the time to explain how they lost money. It is easy to read “between the lines ” and determine if the claims are valid or not.
7) Commitment. If any of the following statements apply to you, then I encourage you to do your research and find an opportunity that fits your needs, whether it is the opportunity I have found or another, seek out what works for you.
- Are you tired of working long hours for little reward.
- Do you lack the financial freedom to enjoy life as you wish.
- Do you have circumstances that limit your options in seeking a career path due to a sick child, a disability or an elderly person to care for?
- Do you lack job security and worry what the future will hold in your present career with lay offs and closures pending.
- Is your retirement plan secure and lucrative.
- Are you struggling to meet your financial obligations and need additional income.
- Have you incurred financial hardship through a job loss or a divorce.
- Do you want to stay home with the little ones but need a source of income to do so.
- Do you need additional streams of income to move ahead in life because living pay cheque to pay cheque is not a lot of fun!
I am very passionate about the opportunity I have found. As a program guide, I have a business that provides help and support to people both financially and physically. Health and wellness is a positive environment to be in. I love what I have and I look forward to helping people every day. I support anyone who wants more out of life and is willing to move forward and take action. I also like the fact that my success is determined by my efforts. The more I help people, the more successful my business will become. I am also pretty excited about the fact that more and more business is done on line. People have the ability to source out any product or service through the internet. I love the fact that I have an on line business and I am moving forward in the technology world. I can choose and create my own success. If you are interested in looking at this online business, with no strings attached, send me an e-mail or click here for a short video that helps to explain the process. You can also check out the streams of income possibilities on my Hub site at www, As well, you can download my guide to an online business at
Have a great week!
Always moving forward and making it so!
……. and passionately helping people get “unstuck”!
Heather Ainslie, Program guide
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