Feeling frumpy?  Frustrated with your weight?  Tired of yo-yo diets, losing weight and gaining it back with in a few months!

Lets be honest, most people want to lose the weight but struggle with the work involved.  Many of us would be happy to take a “skinny” pill and continue to enjoy the sweets and treats and the remote control. The reality is we all know this isn’t how life works. Real change requires a commitment, a desire and willingness to work at your goals and it requires one to take action. I would like you to consider a different perspective. What if the goal wasn’t to just lose weight but it was to develop a healthier lifestyle that would carry you into your golden years.

What if I told you there is a way to lose weight gradually, change your lifestyle gradually, reach your goals, keep the weight off, have more energy and feel great!  Would you consider taking a look?


Lets take a look at what can frustrate ones ability to lose weight.

Heading to the gym after a long day at work requires a serious commitment, in addition to money and time. If you have little ones waiting at home or you have to get to the day care on time, this often doesn’t work. Add in the after school activities, home work and various appointments, one can easily come up with legitimate reasons to cut class. Life is busy and complicated.

Following weight loss plans that require a lot of meal preparation or specially packaged portioned food can be expensive and time consuming. This approach doesn’t fit into the family dynamics of feeding the rest of the family while you are attempting to lose weight with your specially portioned food plan.

Lack of motivation because …frankly … you have tried losing weight for years, losing some. gaining it back, losing some more, gaining it back.

struggling with weight gain?

So what are your options? What if I could show you a plan that is working for thousands of people, a plan that has a lot of science backing it up, and when you think about it, logically … it makes sense.

Q. What is leucine and why is it an important ingredient?

A. Leucine is an essential amino acid that signals your muscles to stimulate protein synthesis. It helps your body preserve muscle mass while you lose weight. Keeping muscle helps keep your metabolism strong so you’re less likely to regain the weight you lose.

Muscle cells are the working cells needed to burn off fat. If we lose muscle cells, we lose the ability to burn off fat. If leucine helps us maintain our muscle cells, then we maintain our ability to continue to burn off fat. If a diet eliminates both muscle cells and fat cells, then one loses the ability (muscle cells) to burn off more fat. This is why so many people can lose weight, but then gain it back fairly quickly, you have depleted your body of both muscle and fat cells.  Protein is another key ingredient that our body needs to build and repair cells. High quality protein is essential for making energy and building muscle, hormones, skin, immune system etc. Professional body builders use protein to build muscle mass.

In order to be successful in maintaing a good weight, one needs good eating habits, exercise and a balanced life which includes sleep.  If you don’t have to alter your life style drastically, one has a higher chance of following through and staying committed. If you are looking for a solution, consider Shaklee’s 180 Turnaround kit . Shaklee offers a 100% money back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied with their products, it really doesn’t get better than this.

The choice is yours, either you put the work in now and enjoy a better life moving forward, or you pay the price later in life with health issues, joint problems, diabetes, heart problems and one spends a whole lot more of their retirement years in the health care system as opposed to on a beach.beach-with-sunpexels-photo-131921

If you don’t take charge and get your body into shape, if you continue on the same path you have been on, if your carrying an extra 20, 30, 40, pounds, what are you going to be doing 10, 15 or 20 years from now?  How is your health going to be compromised. Are you going to be that person who is dragging an oxygen tank around because your heart can no longer function and your lungs are giving up.  We all have the same choices and we all have 24 hours in a day.   Jacqui McCoy’s weight loss story is  a perfect example of finding a program that is sustainable and easy to maintain in one’s busy life. Jacqui has the distinction of having lost the most weight ever , as a contestant on the Biggest Loser T.V. show. With in a year after the show, Jacqui was back in trouble but this time, she  turned to her mom who introduced her to Shaklee and their weight loss program. We have to find something that fits into our daily life, something that is easy to follow and something that works. The 180 plan that Jacqui is on is part of the Shaklee Life Plan. 

I haven’t had a lot of weight to lose, but my weight has crept up and to avoid the “frumpy” look, I chose the 180 plan. In 14 days I lost 6 pounds of fat, maintained my muscle and felt great. I have another 10 pounds to go to get back to were I want to be. It’s as easy as replacing a meal with a Shake and taking a supplement with Leucine  to start the process.

If you would like more information, click on the following link for a free e-book on nutrition and weight loss.

Down load my free e-book on the 7 Big Secrets to losing weight. 

Have a great day, ….and lets get motivated!

Heather Ainslie


P.S. For as little as $100.00, I can get you started on your weight loss plan.






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