Thinking Outside The Box? How About An Online Business? Why Now?
Why not start an Online Business? What is the appeal of Network Marketing? Why put the effort in? Why are more people taking a serious look at online opportunities and social media opportunities?
Well, for starters, job security is at an all time low and having your own business provides you options in life, financially, materially, and the freedom of time, time to enjoy life. Additional sources of income allow you to diversify your portfolio, increase your net worth and design your life to accommodate all that interests you.
We Can Now Connect With People All Over The World At The Stroke Of Our Keyboard!
We now have the powerful tools of the internet and the advantages of social media which allow us to connect with people all over the world at the touch of our fingertips. Using Social Media, we can connect with people, educate ourselves and express what we have learned. The job market is changing, Companies opt for part-time employees to save on healthcare costs and benefits offered, technology and the use of automated processes are eliminating many mundane tasks and many jobs available. Seth Godin often says; “its a race to the bottom”. Companies are looking to cut costs, reduce staff and pay as little as possible. Young people have to forge a new path in career development, new directions and opportunities are sought out as a result of new technologies and innovation. More and more people now order online, shopping, groceries, medications, flowers, education, just about everything can be obtained through the internet. The Internet is becoming a significant platform to develop business opportunities and advance one’s career.
In the past, the MLM market would often consist of nightly meetings away from home, knocking on doors, cold calling and prospecting. We can now prospect on line and focus on specific niche markets. We can eliminate the negative gestures of the past, the knocking on doors and cold calling, the no shows, in fact, we can merely send a text to generate interest, or send a news letter of information and details that might peak a candidates interest.
Often if one has a question, what is the first action most people take? …. We Google it!
With the Internet, we can widen our territories. We are no longer dependant on nightly meetings and group presentations at the nearest hotel conference room in town or hours away, depending on the location of one’s down line. We do not have to do physical meetings in order to generate business success. Clearly, eye contact and meeting people face to face is beneficial but we now have tools that allow video conferencing and face time on line such as Skype. MLM offers the best opportunity to leverage one’s time.
Flexibility of Working On Line
More and more people are looking for the flexibility to truly work from home on line and if one treats their business as a business and commits to the hours needed to generate a significant income, everything is possible.
Finding Your Passion
Then there is a question of finding your passion. We are often told to find your passion and the money will take care of it’s self. I believe there is some truth to this. If we are going to be successful, we have to find something we like doing for 8 hours a day. It is very hard to stay in a job one hates. There needs to be enough pleasure or satisfaction to keep one moving forward on their career path and to succeed at some level. Often people make the biggest changes in their career path when they are sick and tired of being sick and tire. It is when one can no longer head in to work with a smile on their face and a cheery attitude that one makes a drastic career change.
Once a change is made, one often looks back and more fully understands the negative environment they were stuck in and how it was affecting all aspects of their life and well being.
Life Is Often About Intentions.
Are your intentions pure? Are you truly looking to help people, or to provide a quality service that will save people time, money or offer better health or lifestyle advantages. Or … are you looking for a short cut, with out putting the work in, are you looking to cheat the system, or do the least amount of work possible, just to get by. We have all seen those people who spend more effort figuring out how to get out of work, then they do just jumping in and getting the task done.
Entrepreneurs are a special bread of people. They know that their efforts can create opportunities and they believe that if they work hard, they will get ahead and they will benefit from the sweat and tears applied. The entrepreneur knows that taking a risk and trying something out side of the main stream could prove to be very beneficial in the long run. The entrepreneur knows that one needs to take calculated risks in order to get ahead and obtain an extraordinary life.
Are You All In …. or At Least Curious To Take A Look At Opportunities And Possibilities?
I love working on line and am truly passionate about helping people get healthy and live a life full of possibilities both physically and financially. Do you want more out of life? The best way to succeed in life is to help people accomplish their dreams and goals!
If you are looking for alternatives, and you want to take control of your future, then take action today and make a change. If you would like to develop an online business, I have some options. Do your research, look for the best of the best, it only makes sense!
Moving forward, loving life, making it so!
Heather Ainslie
Download my free guide to an Online Business
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