What’s In Our Food?
Feeling crappy? Lack Energy?
How would you like to wake up feeling good, have more energy, be free of prescription drugs, and look great! Through quality supplementation, one can receive great benefits, have more energy and ensure that one is getting the nutritional needs to support a healthy body.
We are told we need to eat properly, exercise, and get a good night sleep. What do we do? We eat too much, we don’t exercise on a regular basis and we stay up too late on the couch getting sucked into the blue zone or spend excessive amounts of time on social media sites, learning tid bits of useless information that grabs our attention but does little to advance our own cause or sense of well being!
Myth#1) We can get all of our nutrients from the foods we eat.
Guess what ? – You can’t! ….for two reasons, the amounts required to meet the Canadian Food guide requirements are too high and secondly, the soil the products are grown in are compromised due to commercialisation and contamination through the use of pesticides and other chemicals used in the growing of food.
The recommended number of Food Guide servings per day, taken from the Canada Food Guide, for an adult male or female between the age of 19 – 50 is;
7-10 servings of vegetables and fruit
6-8 servings of grain products
2 servings of milk and alternatives
2-3 servings of meat and alternatives
In the old days, when one literally lived off the land, food was fresh, the soil was rich in nutrients and vegetables came from the garden to the table with in hours.
Take a look in your fridge now, and look at the labels, I have carrots from California, tomatoes from Mexico, kiwi from Italy, bananas from Colombia, lemons from Spain. By the time the food is picked, processed and shipped across the country, or the continent, what started off as a nutritional product has lost much of it’s nutritional value through food processing and travel time, not to mention the soil conditions now used, soaked in chemicals and pesticides.
Myth #2) All Food Processing Companies adhere to strict quality control standards.
Integrity is important but profits tends to drive the ethics of food processing, and countries with few quality controls and lack of supervision fail to adhere to basic standards one would expect. In North America, we have the on going debate of ““genetically modified organisms”, (GMO) which refers to the plants and animals created through the gene splicing techniques of biotechnology”, as explained by the David Suzuki Foundation. In addition, there are all kinds of videos on social media sites showing the processing of food in countries, were chickens are injected with steroids to plump them up for sale, shrimp processing plants are injecting a chemical called CMC into shrimp to plumb them up, not to mention the unethical practises we hear about like making plastic rice now found in China. It doesn’t take a science degree to figure out what the long term effects will be, and our exponential cancer rates are a reflection of the benefits we are receiving.
How do we Protect Ourselves?
First off, we need to seek out the source of our food, and buy from companies we can trust. That means reading labels and doing research. Watch this short clip on codes used for produce.
Second; we need to build up our immune systems to protect us from toxic chemicals and exposure to contaminants that could impact our health. We can do this with supplementation, sourcing out quality vitamins that are natural and pure. We need to ensure that our bodies are getting the proper nutrients to stay strong, fit and healthy. With a weaker immune system, we are more likely to fall victim to many illnesses, colds, flu etc., the best defence is a strong defence, a strong immune system that will provide protection.
Lastly, we need to stay active, exercise and get a good night sleep. We need to take care of our bodies, so that we can enjoy a long healthy life. We also need to set a strong example for our children.
In the documentary, “Food Inc.”, Robert Kenner takes us through the processing and commercialisation of food. He states that one in three children born after the year 2000 will develop early onset diabetes. We, as parents, have a responsibility to break this trend, lead by example and help the next generation surpass us in health and well being.
I am passionate about helping people get back on track! If you would like to take a look at what nutrients your body might be lacking, take a look at our ‘Health Print” , a free assessment to consider. Take the opportunity to access your own health and learn what might help you in your quest to feel better and live longer. You can make a difference, a lasting difference that will benefit you and your family for years to come.
We can no longer rely on the nutritional content of food that is being mass produced, but we can ensure that our bodies receive the proper amounts of needed nutrients that come from natural sources with a guarantee of 100% money back if you are not completely satisfied. Take action now, your health depends on it!
Moving forward, Loving Life, Making a Difference!
All the best, sincerely,
Heather Ainslie,
email me at Heather@takingcontrol123.com
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