Why Am I Sitting Here Again?
Ever wish you were somewhere else? ….. like on a tropical island with your toes in the water, watching the sunset. Have you ever wished you were able to work from home on your own schedule? Do you wish your work week was shorter and your weekend was longer? Are you running around with your head cut off and wondering how all this is suppose to make sense.
Consider your options;
Option One : Keep doing what you are doing.
Option Two: Go back to school and get more education to obtain a better job.
Option Three: Make a new plan, start investing in your self, figure out a new way of creating residual income so you can do the things you want and have the life you want, when you want it.
I am choosing number three. I want more time by the water and the freedom to enjoy the coming years ahead. How about you?
Sometimes, our biggest challenges become our biggest blessings! Sometimes, people and opportunities come into our lives that ultimately lead us in a new direction and a rewarding career path that far exceeds any previous notion or plans we had. How lucky we are! Some times we are exposed to opportunities, that at the time, we aren’t quite ready for, but for some reason, we hang on and explore the options. Some times, we have a little whisper, a voice in the back of our head saying … hey …wait a minute, lets take a look at this.
If you have ever found yourself looking through the “Want Adds” for a better job, or on line, searching for opportunities, or buying some lotto tickets hoping you will be set free from your misery, or finding that by the end of your shift on Monday, it feels like it should be Wednesday, then you need to take action! What will ultimately motivate you to make a change?
In order to get different results, one has to make different choices. Taking small incremental steps, positive steps forward towards new goals, and a new plan can manifest some pretty good returns. Persistence and commitment to the end goal is necessary.
For example;
When mastering yoga, one has to start at the beginning.
- First you might look for a class, a beginner class to take.
- You find the appropriate attire,
- You do not forget your water bottle, (because you will NEED it!), especially if your class is “Hot Yoga” which is were I started.
- You find a spot towards the back of the class, hoping to blend in.
- You slowly learn the routine and marvel at those who have mastered the skill.
Although your form is pathetic, you persevere, and with good instructors, you are encouraged to continue, the benefits are gained and you can see where you are gaining grace, flexibility and peace from with in.
We are living in an age were lifestyles are changing quickly, we have to adapt to new ways of doing business, technologies are advancing faster then we can keep up, and although many headlines in papers and news feeds suggest a bleak future for the younger generation, there are many excellent opportunities out there.
Young people are quick to adapt, they have grown up with phones in their hands, and technology is second nature, many are motivated by outstanding student debt and less then promising job opportunities.
Older people have experience, life experience, they know nothing is easy, if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is, but they too are motivated, tired of empty promises and unfulfilling jobs.
Consider Creating your own opportunity. Look to the areas that will always be popular and important like health, wealth and lifestyle. These areas are areas that people need to succeed at in order to have a good healthy life that is well rounded and in balance, especially with their own values.
All the money in the world means little when you are lying in a hospital bed recovering from a heart attack as a result of a high stress job. Balance is key and opportunities that fit into your goals, dreams and family life are important.
It is hard work to run any business but the benefits of building a business that you create is well worth the effort. Are you going to need money to invest, yes of course. If you are looking for a “Get Rich Quick” scheme with promises of automation and money rolling in with out any effort, then please keep looking.
If you could channel money you are already spending into a business opportunity that you build, investing in yourself and building a solid foundation for income growth at the same time, would you take a look?
If you have a strong desire to take control and create a life you have dreamed of, then send me an email or down load my free e-book on tips to generate your own business on line or visit my site; www.takingcontrol123.com.
Have a great week, keep moving forward and dream BIG!
Loving life and making it so!
email me at heather@takingcontrol123.com
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