Why I love my On Line Business!
In caring for one’s self, soul searching is often required … at some point in one’s life. Some of us do it early on, some mid life and some unfortunately wait until the end. When you go on an airplane there is always a demonstration at the beginning of the flight on how to put on the air mask. They emphasise that you are to put your mask on first and then your children’s. In order to care for your children, you have to first care for yourself.
I was blessed to have a major crisis in my life in my mid thirties that set me on a new path of discovery. It was at this time I came across the PERFECT on line business opportunity for me. Through this business opportunity, I have learned how to care for myself, how to care for others and how to lead by example.
What makes me tick? Helping people, helping the environment, living a clean life and a positive one, setting a positive example, being a leader and making positive change with in the community and having ethical and moral standards of integrity and honesty and love towards all those in need.
I hit the jack pot when I found this online business. I can care for myself and my family in such a positive way. I am helping to protect the environment and reducing my carbon foot print, I am offering positive change both in one’s health and one’s lifestyle and I have the support of a company that simply has the highest ethical standards and expectations one could ever expect.
The Shaklee business is all about getting healthy, both inside and out. Shaklee has been in business for over 60 years and is the Gold standard in which many companies compare themselves to. There are other good businesses out there but I was blessed to have found Shaklee. I had previous experience with a similar company, earlier in my life, but this company, although they had good products, they lacked the leadership, integrity and high standards that is needed to truly sustain success over a long period of time.
When I took a look at this opportunity, I was able to recognise the differences that set Shaklee apart from other companies and competition. In addition to the products, Shaklee offers leadership through the people with in the corporate environment and with in the distributorships that provide the foundation for success. Those who wish to get involved and create their own business on line are able to draw on all these resources which will help to contribute to their own success.
Shaklee has the science, the test results and the history to back up every claim they make. In the year 2000, Shaklee became the first company in the world to obtain Climate Neutral certification and totally offset its carbon emissions, resulting in a net-zero impact on the environment. Shaklee has one of the highest retention rates of those who continue to use the supplements year after year. Regardless of one’s success, one continues to order the products because they are safe, they are toxic free and they work.
If we embrace the supplements, we will live a healthier life, our immune system will be stronger and even if we get sick, our bodies will be better able to deal with the situation at hand.
If we embrace all of the cleaning products, we will live in a healthier environment and we will also be doing our part to reduce our carbon footprint and help in the protection of the environment.
The Freedom Project allows us to to conduct our Shaklee business from the comfort of our own homes, which frees up time and keeps us home with our families, especially those of us who have young children, elderly parents or other members of our family who are sick and in need of support with in the home.
Through this business, as we become healthier, we teach our business partners the importance and the value of taking care of their health, both inside and out. We are leading by example. The only way we can be truly successful is if we help others fulfil their dreams and desires. It is a wonderful business to be in when we help people gain their health back and through this process they become strong business leaders.
BUT ….. DO YOU KNOW WHAT REALLY GETS ME EXCITED!!!!! When you truly make a difference in someone’s life!
When you can help some one and teach them how our nutritional products truly do make a difference and they no longer need the prescription drugs they have relied on for years, or you help someone conceive a child they thought they would never have, or you help them lose the weight that they desperately needed to lose or you help them cope with depression and get healthier through supplementation! Now that is something I get truly passionate about!
The added benefits of what I have found in this opportunity is the personal growth and development that is available to all of us. The support that is available to those of us willing to take action and build a business, on line, is tremendous. The integrity of the products and of the corporation behind the products is exceptional. When a company offers a 100% guarantee, with a full return policy, you know they have something special.
In this business, we are not competing against each other, we are working in support of each other. If I can help you help someone gain their health and well being, then we all win. This business allows us the financial means to make a difference in our own lives and in those we help and support.
Every week, we read in the paper, companies that are laying off employees or shutting down production or closing up shop. There is no longer any job security as companies focus on cutting costs often at the expense of good paying jobs. Minimum wage no longer provides people with enough funds for basic living requirements of shelter and food. Having your own business allows one to take control of their own financial future and to create some stability that is in their own control.
We can seek good nutrition, we can exercise, we can get proper sleep and embrace the good in our lives. How would you like to be a part of an organisation that supports these concepts, that truly has the best of intentions and is there to support you in building your health, your on line business and helping you attain your dreams and goals no matter how long it takes.
If you want to have your own business, it you want to have a positive impact on people, if you are looking for an opportunity that is rewarding and your success is based on how many people you help become successful, then check out my business opportunity. Take a look at these exceptional products, trust in your own desire to want to make a difference in your life and those around you. Take action, and as I say… Giddy Up!
Make it so!
I am looking for leaders, people who are positive and wanting more out of life. Are you looking for financial freedom, do you need additional income in order to create a lifestyle of freedom and happiness. If this is something you are looking for, welcome, send me a note, fill out the on line submission form or connect with me on facebook. If you want to get your health back, connect with me. I look forward to talking with you soon.
Keep moving forward,
Lifestyle Coach and On Line Entrepreneur
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