Just Hanging On? Want a Better Life in 2017!
Do you want to Move Forward? Are you frustrated or feeling stuck? Tired of the same old same old? Are you determined to make this next year ahead a better year? I am all about helping people move forward. I love to support those who have big dreams and goals but I am also a big supporter of those in need, those who have been marginalised and need a helping hand up as opposed to a handout. My domain name for my business, “www.takingcontrol123” reflects, what I believe, is a need in all of us to take control of our lives, to accept were we are and push forward to achieve all that we want. I believe that one can be very successful without wealth, very wealthy without success and that a balance is needed in four areas; physical, financial, emotional and spiritual well being.
So how do we stay on track? How do we avoid the distractions? …and get out of the muck? It actually comes down to focus, commitment and daily repetition. How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.
As we head into the end of the year and New Years Resolutions, we first have to get through the holiday season, a season that causes a lot of stress for many families. All the marketing and commercials that paint a perfect picture of family gatherings and open fires, people singing Christmas carols and having a wonderful time isn’t always the way life is. Many struggle with holiday times, many have to work through the holidays and often the financial pressures are a heavy burden. However, the holiday season is also a time for reflection on the past year and hopes for the year ahead.
So what can we do to move forward and head into the new year with hopes and wishes and plans to act on?
What is your weak spot, what is the one area in your life that you know you need to work on, perhaps more than the other areas mentioned.
One’s belief system is an area that I am working on, that I can succeed, that I am worthy of success and that I am capable of achieving great things! Dealing with the chaos of clutter is part of this issue and is important to me heading into the new year. I am working on both the physical clutter of one’s desk and working spaces, the environment around me and mental clutter of themes and belief systems taught growing up that are no longer valid or apply, that may be hindering my growth moving forward.
Dale Carnegie stated: “Any idea that is held in the mind, that is emphasized, that is either feared or revered, will begin at once to cloth itself in the most convenient and appropriate form available.”
Amy Morin writes “In her book, “13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do,” that developing mental strength is a “three-pronged approach.” It’s about controlling your thoughts, behaviours, and emotions.” Her message went viral and her post on Business Insider summarises the 13 things strong people don’t do;
- They don’t waste time feeling sorry for themselves.
- They don’t give away their power.
- They don’t shy away from change.
- They don’t focus on things they can’t control.
- They don’t worry about pleasing everyone.
- They don’t fear calculated risks.
- They don’t dwell on the past.
- They don’t make the same mistakes over and over.
- They don’t resent other people’s success.
- They don’t give up after the first failure.
- They don’t fear alone time.
- They don’t feel the world owes them anything.
- They don’t expect immediate results.
A post on facebook from Womenworking.com lists 10 things to do for a better 2017;
- Let go of toxic people and their opinions.
- Let go of complaining and self doubt.
- Let go of keeping quiet.
- Let go of thinking that your dreams will never happen.
- Let go of waiting for the “perfect time”, it doesn’t exist.
instead ….
- It’s time to be with people who care.
- It’s time to give yourself credit.
- It’s time to let your voice be heard.
- It’s time to take responsibility for your life.
- It’s time to take action now.
If you are excited about 2017 …. Fantastic, here’s to moving forward, making plans and taking action! …and if you are struggling to get through the Holiday Season, ….just take a deep breath and breathe …. knowing … this too shall pass!
Have a Great day and a Great week moving forward!
Program Guide and supporter of any one wanting to move forward!
email : heather@takingcontrol123.com
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