Menopause – Why do Only 7% of Japanese Women Suffer From Hot Flashes?
There is no Japanese word for “Hot Flashes” !
Think about this, an entire nation that does not have to deal with the discomfort of hot flashes, only 7% of the population compared to 55 percent of women living in North America. For those of us heading into this transition, the symptoms can be quite frustrating and embarrassing.
Some break out into a cold sweat at a moments notice! Some are dripping in perspiration and feel the need to take cover. Some experience mood swings, general crankiness, headaches, weight gain, trouble sleeping, the list goes on!
Researchers have found that the diet of Japanese women plays a significant role in why only 7% suffer from the menopausal symptoms of hot flashes. The Japanese diet consists of more vegetable protein and less animal protein than a Western diet. Their diet is also low in fat and high in soy products such as tofu. These foods are rich in plant compounds known as phytoestrogens. Calcium-rich foods, magnesium-rich foods and foods rich in vitamin E also help in the reduction of symptoms.
I am not a big fan of tofu, although I understand the benefits. I enjoy many other healthy foods which include green leafy vegetables, grains and oats and the need and benefit of fibre in one’s diet. I was looking for a practical way of increasing my protein levels to address any pending symptoms.
How does one get more soy into one’s diet to effect positive change?
Dr. Mark Messina, a noted soy expert at the Department of Nutrition at the Loma Linda University of Public Health outlined the benefits of soy as follows;
- Protection from Cardiovascular Disease,
- Combating Metabolic Syndrome
- Strength for Aging Bones
- Strong evidence for cancer prevention
- Shown to slow menopause
Isoflavones are considered “phytoestrogens” because of their molecular similarity to estrogen, the female sex hormone. Soy isoflavones have been shown to exert positive effects in tissues such as bone, vascular endothelium (blood vessel lining), and breast cells without the negative effects in those and other tissues such as liver and uterus, where side effects of estrogen therapy have been observed. Dozens of studies are emerging showing the health benefits of soy in our diet, a diet that the Japanese culture has understood and has enjoyed the benefits of for generations.
I have had the benefit of good health for several years now as a result of finding an excellent nutritional company and supplements that truly make a difference in my life, and I feel well prepared heading into menopausal territory. My preference is to avoid prescription drugs if at all possible and seek out natural alternatives. There are, of course, times when one needs a prescription to deal with a serious medical situation but there are a lot of options for one to consider especially when one is looking at Hormone Replacement Therapy to deal with menopause.
“The Pros and Cons of Hormone Replacement Therapy
Medical Conditions to treat Menopausal symptoms: Hot Flashes, Night Sweats, vaginal dryness, Sleep problems, Mood changes.
Pros: Considered the best treatment for these symptoms (when severe) in women who are perimenopausal or postmenopausal
Cons: Slight increase risk of breast or uterine cancer and heart attack or stroke in some women. May not be recommended for women who have a family or personal history of heart disease, stroke, blood clots or breast cancer.
Alternatives to HRT : some antidepressants can help with mood changes, sleep problems and reduce hot flashes and night sweats, vaginal moisturizers.
This article goes on to state that HRT is ; “Highly effective in reducing the risk of osteoporosis. May be good for women who cannot use other medicines that protect bone health.”
Basically, (as I see it) ;
- if one follows the advice of Dr. Mark Messina and takes soy, one would be protecting one’s heart, strengthening one’s bones, preventing cancer and slowing menopause, or
- as suggested by WebMD, take Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), one could increase the risk of breast and uterine cancer, heart attacks and stroke and they suggest that antidepressants are a “natural” solution to address sleep issues, mood swings and hot flashes.
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Not all protein is the same, just like the quality of vitamins, there is a difference!
I have been able to take my protein daily for several years now with additional supplementation and I have had great success in the reduction of symptoms, having experienced only a handful of mild hot flashes over the past year. Having a protein shake or drink daily is an easy way to increase my soy in my diet and gain the benefits of a rich soy diet with out the effort of consuming large amounts of tofu. I have had several clients who have also benefited significantly, one in particular was experiencing 6 to 7 hot flashes per hour at times, and as a result of a regiment that included soy protein, she was able to reduce her hot flashes to 1 per hour. This was a tremendous benefit and relief for her.
A large part of the difference in the quality of protein has to do with the processing methods used. Some soy protein products are alcohol-processed which removes isoflavones. Shaklee Energizing Soy Protein is waterwashed to retain naturally occurring isoflavones such as genistein and daidzein. Shaklee uses only non-genetically modified (GMO) soy protein certified through an Identity Preservation Program (IPP). This program assures that the soy we use is tightly monitored and controlled from planting and harvesting to processing.
Why choose Shaklee Energizing Soy Protein?
- 14 grams of protein per serving
- Uses only IPP – certified non-GMO soy protein
- Highest-rated protein quality
- Natural vegetarian protein source
- Naturally cholesterol free
- No saturated fat
- 1 gram of total fat per serving
- Naturally lactose free
- 50% of your daily need for calcium
- All the amion acids,
- water-processed to retain naturally occuring isoflavones such as genistein and daidzein
- No artificial flavors, sweeteners, colours, or preservatives added
- Kosher certified.
Shaklee offers a 100% money back guarantee on all of their products.
I am able to get the additional protein requirements needed to offset hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause through nutritional supplements. As a result, I have managed to transition through menopause with out suffering the way my mother did. Not only have I experienced minimal symptoms and only a few hot flashes of minor consequence, I have had clients who have had tremendous success with significant reduction of symptoms and an increase in energy as a result of protein supplementation.
Are you looking for relief? Are you looking for an alternative to prescription medications and drugs that may cause unwanted side effects? Have you considered Soy Protein and natural vitamins? If you want to take a look at alternative solutions, send me an e-mail. I would love to show you what works for me and help you deal with the symptoms of menopause.
Heather Ainslie
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